Housing Accelerator Fund

Saskatoon's Housing Action Plan outlines initiatives to increase the supply of housing with funding from the Government of Canada.

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About HAF Proposed Amendments Engage

City Council Approval

City Council approved the second package of amendments at the Spcial Public Hearing on June 28, 2024. The report and amending bylaws can be viewed at the Public Hearing Special Meeting agenda.

For questions about the Housing Accelerator Fund, please contact zoningbylaw@saskatoon.ca.

About the Housing Accelerator Fund

The Government of Canada's Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) supports local governments in building more homes, faster. The program is aimed at increasing housing supply and supporting the development of communities that are more affordable, diverse and climate-resilient.

On Feb 28, 2024, the Government of Canada and the City of Saskatoon announced an agreement to fast-track housing over the next three years. The agreement will provide $41.3 million to eliminate barriers to build more homes in Saskatoon.

Housing Action Plan

In May 2023, City Council approved Saskatoon’s Housing Action Plan. The plan outlines 13 initiatives that the City will undertake to meet the commitments under the Housing Accelerator Fund application. For more information about the Housing Action Plan, visit: saskatoon.ca/housingactionplan.


What is the Housing Accelerator Fund?

The HAF is a funding agreement between the Federal Government and municipalities across Canada to help speed up development and increase housing supply.

The City of Saskatoon will be receiving $41.325 million to implement the initiatives outlined in our Housing Action Plan. This will help get 940 additional new units built over three years and leverage other housing development opportunities. The funding focuses on diversifying housing options by increasing what is known as “missing middle” housing, the range of housing types that fit between single-family detached homes and mid-to-high-rise apartment buildings. It will allow multi-family units in walkable areas of the city and make use of existing infrastructure.

This is done by changing zoning regulations that deter or exclude some types of development, particularly certain housing types.

Development of missing middle housing will occur gradually over time and across the city. It will add greater variety to what we think housing in Saskatoon should look like. More people will have access to stable and affordable housing, with walkable services and access to public transit and active transportation opportunities.

Why do we need the HAF to increase housing supply?

The actions in the Housing Action Plan are a generational shift in what housing looks like. They will make it easier to build various types of homes in our communities. More people will have access to stable and affordable housing, with walkable services and nearby public transit and active transportation opportunities.