Documents for Veterinarians to Complete for Dogs Being Imported into the United States

The documents on this website are for veterinarians to complete. The documents are specific to dogs that have been in a high-risk country for dog rabies in the 6 months before arriving in the United States. Which document needs to be completed depends on where the dog was vaccinated (United States or another country).

Recent Changes

CDC values the feedback received from various countries, industry partners, and the public. CDC simplified the process for meeting requirements for dogs arriving from dog rabies-free or low-risk countries.

Starting August 1, 2024, there are no veterinary documents required for dogs arriving from dog-rabies free or low-risk countries. The only form needed for these dogs is the CDC Dog Import Form which is completed online by the importer.

USDA-Accredited Veterinarians

An USDA-accredited veterinarian has two possible government-endorsed documents to complete before a U.S.-vaccinated dog departs the U.S. for a high-risk country.

Option 1: Certification of U.S.-issued Rabies Vaccination form