New collective agreement for three sectors of the chemical industry

The new two-year collective agreement for the chemical basic industry, plastics and chemical products industry and the oil, gas and petrochemical products industry will be valid from 3 February 2023 to 31 December 2024. The agreements cover about 13,000 employees.

Pay increases under the new collective agreement consist of an across-the-board increase of 5.5%, a locally agreed increase of 0.2% and two lump-sum payments of 800 euros.

The amount of the across-the-board pay increase is 2.2% in 2023 and 3.3% in 2024. To assist with rising living costs this winter, a lump sum of 800 euros in total is also paid out in 2023. The first instalment of 400 euros will be paid in March. In June, another 400 euros will be paid as compensation for the extension of the contract. The pay increases for 2024 include a 0.2% company-specific increase, the distribution of which is decided by the employer.

Pay scales will rise in both years by the amount of the across-the-board increase, that is, total of 5.5% during the two-year agreement period. Pay increments will increase by 3.3% starting 1 Jan 2024.

The text changes to the agreement include investments in young people and job orientation, as well as in the extensive development of wellbeing at work. The main goals of the agreement period include promoting the job commitment of young employees and women in particular, improving the wellbeing of employees and the treatment of people of different ages at the workplace, and promoting the importance and appreciation of job orientation. Small steps have also been taken to encourage the reconciliation of work and family life.

You can read a summary of the changes in the new collective agreement from this link.

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