Vb crystal report add line when field changes

Im quite new to Crystal Reports and these days im working on a project with VB 6.0 and Crystal Report 9.

My question is, i need to display an address column, there i need to display a new line for every occurrence of comma (,) ..
for example, in the database the address will be saved as "No 23, Temple road, Galle, Sri Lanka" and think that is saved in one column as a single String. When i display in the report that should be displayed as follows

No 23,
Temple road,
Sri Lanka

that is , for each occurrence of the comma, it will start to print the others from a new line..

Can anybody tell me how to achive that ? in which behavoir i have to set in the reports field ??

Thanks a lot in advance

Edited by sajhak - 06 Oct 2009 at 1:53pm

I would try Replace(,",",chr(13)+chr(10))

Thanks for the quick reply lockwelle,

Could i know where do i have to write the code that you have mentioned .. do i need to add as an expression in Crystal Report ? if so how can i achieve that ?

Or, do we need to add that "Replace" code into our VB code ? even if that s, how can i achieve that also ??

Thanks a lot .

you can create a formula in CR. then place the formula on the report where you want it to display. I would set the Can Grow on, but it isn't necessary if you know the max lines that will be displayed for an address.

i will try that .. i asked such a simple question cos im new to those Crystal report area ..

Quick question lockwell,

what do you meant by chr(13)and chr(10) ?? wht does it says ? is that the syntax ?