A well-written job offer acceptance email makes a positive impression.
You’ve been job hunting for months, endured endless interviews and finally have a job offer. Hurray! Now, it's time to make it official. The initial offer of employment will most likely be delivered informally via phone or email. After that, ensure you receive a formal communication from the employer containing the details. If the offer aligns with your expectations, great. If not, this is the time to negotiate. Remember, you have the most significant negotiating power during that tiny window of time between being offered a position and formally agreeing to accept it. Once you’ve negotiated and feel comfortable with the terms, it’s time to finalize the agreement.
Nowadays, it's standard practice to accept a job offer via email. A well-written job offer acceptance email will help make a positive impression on your future employer by communicating gratitude, enthusiasm and professionalism. It’s also an effective way to confirm the details of your offer to avoid any future misunderstandings. How formal your email is will depend on the company culture and your relationship with the hiring team. Use your best judgment and refer to your communications with the organization thus far as a guide. Ultimately, you’ll want to be as polite and succinct as possible.
Accepting a job offer can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Typically, an employer will provide a deadline by which you’ll need to decide. Ideally, you’ll want to show the company you value their time by responding within two to three days. Let’s review a few tips and examples to guide you through writing a job offer acceptance email.
Your job offer acceptance email should be well thought out and error-free. As you write your draft, keep these six steps in mind.
Chances are that the hiring team is inundated with emails daily. By writing a succinct, professional subject line, you'll ensure that your email stands out. Provide details, including your name and the job title. In general, avoid emojis, abbreviations and too much punctuation to prevent the email from looking like spam. Also, keep it short—between 30 and 50 characters in length. Keeping the subject line concise is especially important if the employer reads your email on a mobile device.
If you know the name of the person who extended the job offer, use their name and title. When the company culture is formal, you might want to write something like, “Dear Ms. Jones.” Otherwise, “Hello Ms. Jones” is considered a more relaxed greeting. If the culture is very casual, you might even use “Hi Kathy” as a salutation.
To set a positive tone, thank the employer for the opportunity. Be authentic and concise. If possible, include specific examples of elements of the job you’re looking forward to.
This section should include your statement of acceptance. Mention the job title as it was specified in the offer. You might even include the company name and start date to avoid confusion.
At this point, briefly describe the terms of employment, such as the starting salary and any other benefits you agreed to. By including specifics, you’ll ensure that there isn’t any confusion in the future. This section is also a good place to ask any additional questions you might have regarding the role.
Finally, finish the email by thanking the employer again and expressing how excited you are to accept the position. Conclude with a professional email sign-off. Some examples are:
Then, add your signature, including contact information such as email and phone number.
Finally, don’t forget to proofread your email. It helps to read it out loud and use a spell-checking tool like Grammarly to avoid typos and grammatical errors.
Are you suffering from writer’s block? Here’s an example of an acceptance email to inspire you.
Subject line: Cory Brown – Job Offer Acceptance
Dear Mr. Smith,
I enjoyed speaking with you on the phone yesterday about the role. Thank you for your confidence in my abilities and for offering me the position. As I mentioned, I look forward to making a positive contribution to the team.
I am delighted to formally accept the offer of a Product Manager position with Company ABC. As discussed, my starting salary will be $150,000 annually, with 15 days of paid leave and health insurance benefits.
Based on our conversation, I will start work on Monday, October 5 th . Please let me know if there are any documents I should bring with me on my first day. I'm available via email, or you can contact me at 212-555-1212.
Again, thank you very much. I can’t wait to get started!
Best regards,
Cory Brown
Whether you’re a seasoned professional or accepting your first job, a well-crafted job offer acceptance email sets the tone for your new position. By following these tips, you’ll be able to confirm key details, convey enthusiasm and present yourself as a consummate professional.